torsdag 27 januari 2011

Day 01 - This is me

I love old beautiful movies, other movies aswell, nice music, my wonderful friends, photography, painting, bones, like collarbones, ribs and the spine(haha, sounds so disgusting), fashion, Vintage shops/shopping/furniture, France and french, Handsome guys like Cam Gigandet, Johnny Depp and James Marsters. I also love the TV-show 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' because it's so damn good.

I'm usually very outgoing (in public), except when I get to know new people, then I might just stand and just make some little smiles now and then. When I'm alone at home, it's a different thing though. Then I'm quite depressed all the time and just isolate me from everyone which result in that I feel very alone all the time. But I'm usually nice to talk to, even though I can be a bitch when I talk to someone in school. So not okay, but sometimes I just don't have the 'ork' to care.

I've got phobias of; talking to anyone on the telephone, doesn't matter who I'm talking to. Heights, the dark, dead people, ghosts, looking up to the stars at night (because it feels so surreal, especially if you get to se an airplane), talking to my dad sometimes, anyone who touches my food without my permission or on my initiative, bugs, snails, bathing in unclear water, nervous/insecure people, be forced to show people a product or something that I've done that isn't finished, pain and death. And school most of the time.

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